Why Join DKA?

You should join Delta Kappa Alpha if you are searching for a community which will help you get the most out of your time at DePaul University and follow your passion for cinema. In DKA you will have the opportunity to work alongside passionate members who are dedicated to learning about the craft of filmmaking while developing themselves as both storytellers and professionals.

The organization provides a supportive environment where members not only help each other learn the skills necessary to help them succeed in the industry, but also form lifelong friendships and network with DKA members across the country. As an organization members work hard to create events which are open to the public and also private events for members only such as our movie screenings, filmmaking and industry workshops, and philanthropic functions.

You should join if you wish to not only be involved in these experiences, but also to help facilitate and further develop them.


The Recruitment Process


We recruit twice in the academic year - once at the beginning of Fall Quarter, and again at the beginning of Spring Quarter. If you’re interested, send an email to recruitment@depaul.dka.org, and we’ll keep you updated on our events! We recruit all majors and minors - not just Film and Television students!

Public Events

We’ll have 3 information sessions you can attend where you’ll learn all about DKA and the recruitment process, and get an application to fill out. We have 3 public events - a Meet and Greet/Speed Dating (business casual), Trivia Night (casual), and a Film Challenge event (casual). Not a film major? Don’t worry! The Film Challenge is not based on technical ability, but your ability to work with others and be creative.

Invite Only Events

After the Film Challenge, we move into invite only events you may be invited to attend. First is the Blue Chip Luncheon, a lunch designed to get to know more members. Finally, we have interviews. Much like a job interview, this is an opportunity to get to know prospective new members in a more professional setting. Both of these events are business formal. After these events, if you receive a bid, you’ll begin the six week education program, in which you’ll learn all about DKA as a whole.